The Lindbergh Flight & The Seven Deadly Sins

composer, Kurt Weill & writer, Bertolt Brecht

Opera de Lyon, 2006
François Girard, Director



These two rarely performed cocreations by Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht were both conceived as experimental genre hybrids, The Lindbergh Flight (1929) being styled as a “radio cantata”, The Seven Deadly Sins (1933) as a ballet chanté.

Add in the celebrated boldness of Opéra National de Lyon – who also double as a ballet company – and the bold, vision of Québécois director/screenwriter François Girard and the stage is set for a rich confluence of styles.

Sue Wilson, Evening Standard, 2006

” François Seguin’s clever sets provide stylistic unity, a transatlantic map with video behind for the flight, while in The Sins Anna’s

fundraising tour is pitched against a grid of the US with moving images of the allcorrupting greenback. “

Francis Carlin Published: June 26

Girard’s direction, along with François Séguin’s mapinspired sets, Thibault Vancraenenbroeck’s colourful costumes and David Finn’s dramatic lighting, breathed life into the piece. It made a cold foil to the frenzy of the second half and, taken as a whole, there could be no mistaking what Brecht thought of the American way of life and the evils of capitalism.

Rod Biss | Published on March 8, 2008 New Zealand Listener